José Luis Agüero Monedero
- Deputy General Director of Livestock and Cinegéticas Productions – Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
He performs the technical direction of the powers of his Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, in particular the management of markets and the productive activity of the livestock sectors.
In his work, he handles a large amount of information on present and future strategies that will directly or indirectly impact the development of Spanish livestock activity in the coming years.
He has participated directly in the preparation of the national regulations for the dairy package and management of the livestock sectors.
He also participates very actively in the configuration and design of the new CAP measures, particularly those referring to the livestock sectors. Member of the high-level technical groups created for decision-making around the CAP reform 2014-2020 and 2023-2027.
Preparation of national regulations for direct payments, particularly associated livestock aid and eco-regimes related to livestock.
Preparation of national regulations for the management of livestock farms.
Responsible for the Animal Welfare powers of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
Responsible for the powers of the Ministry in the coordination of national hunting activity.